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- When: Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
- Program: Andy Ebon presents Improving your Website ROI Through Blogging – CSA Webmaster, Andy Ebon, presents a fast-paced 30 minute presentation about Blogging. You may hear media exalting news about the Blogosphere, and still not quite understand what it is, how it differs from a website, and how elfbc5000tr.com it can complement your website. Come hear Andy explain it, in plain English, not techno-terms.
Visit two of Andy’s Blogs:
The Wedding Marketing Network & Soul Music News - Time: 6:00pm start
- Location: Ruth’s Chris Steak House
3900 Paradise Road, Las Vegas - Host: Tomi Sue Wilson
Special Events Manager, 702-791-7011 - Admission: $30 Members; $40 Guests
- RSVP: Please prepay with PayPal or RSVP
- Questions: Please call Mike Briggs – 335-6039
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