Letter from CSA President, Madison Womack

Dear CSA Members,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a new year with the Convention Services Association. It’s a new year, and that means a new board and a renewed sense of excitement about our organization.

As your President in 2006 I would like to share with you my goals and ideas for the CSA in the upcoming year. I want to remind our members that the Convention Services Association is not only a networking group for convention-related companies and their employees, we are also a referral service with a state-of-the-art website listing all of our members and their contact information. We strive to be a charitable member of the Las Vegas community by donating raffle prize proceeds every year to well-deserving charities and individuals that need our help.

Please let me stress that your CSA Board Members are volunteers. They are encouraged to attend all regular monthly meetings, as well as board meetings in addition to their respective duties as members of the board. In order to grow together as an organization, become a stronger force in the convention arena, and increase business for all of us, we need more of our members to volunteer to participate in CSA committees. We are in the process of setting up a Membership Committee, which will be dedicated to brainstorming about ways to recruit new members, keep current members, and encourage all members to be more active in the CSA.

The Board is currently constructing a Member Questionnaire that we will be distributing shortly to current members. We want to hear from you with your ideas on what you would like to see happen in the next year with the CSA. I am dedicated to growing our group during my year as President, and I know that no one is better at helping me achieve that goal than our current members.

So Cheers! to 2006 and the Convention Services Association. May your year be full of health, wealth, and prosperity.


Madison Womack
Convention Services Association