About CSA
Meeting Calendar
Member News
Member Marketing
Board Members

P.O. Box 94991Las Vegas, NV89193-4991Ph: 702-260-8387

Member Marketing
Using the CSA logo:
Displaying the CSA logo on your company web site, is one way you can increase your credibility with prospective customers. You can display just the logo, or the logo and a sentence describing the association. Your webmaster can resize the logo, as needed, to be in proportion with the content on your site.
“The Convention Services Association of Las Vegas (CSA) is a membership organization comprised of companies serving conferences, conventions and meetings in Las Vegas.”
Reciprocal Link: When displaying the logo, please provide a link bank to the CSA site – http://www.csalv.org
Member News: No Charge
Something eventful happening in your business?
- Office Relocation
- New line of service
- You’ve been published
- Radio/TV Appearance
- other cool things…
Directory Listing Upgrade: No Charge
Add a description (up to 35 words) of your business to your directory listing on the CSA site.
Write a concise description explain what your business does. Remember, this may be read by people who know your business a little bit, or not at all.
TIPS: Avoid puffery… words like the biggest, the best. Use words the describe, precisely, what you do and where you do it. Focus on the types of things that your business does most often.
PLEASE NOTE: Use of a web site address cannot be included in the description. There is a $100 annual fee for a web link, and that can be added within your basic listing.
EXAMPLE: Sight’n’Sound Events: Providing Disc Jockey (DJ) entertainment services, photography and videography to meetings, conferences, conventions, corporate, trade shows and social events in Greater Las Vegas, Nevada. Now offering digital photography.
The description for Sight’n’Sound is only about 25 words, but about half the words are quite specific ‘keyword,’ the kind of information that people might use in a search for companies, such as those that belong to CSA. Notice that there is no mention of social events or weddings.
There are two intended outcomes of adding descriptions for all members: First: To simply offer a concise explanation of what you do. Second: To collectively attract more search engine activities.
To add a description to your listing, simply email the Webmaster (Andy Ebon). Enter your business name and the description in the body of the email. You will be notified, by email, when your listing is added. Expect it to be added in 2-5 business days. CSA reserves the right to edit a listing submission.
Member Profile: Monthly Feature, 12-month duration – $50 fee
CSA is beginning a monthly feature, showcasing 2 members. This is a paid promotional opportunity designed to give you featured exposure to fellow CSA members and others professionals that visit the site.
Each profile will contain text of up to 150 words, promoting the business and/or business owner. In addition, one graphic (gif of jpg) of no more than 150 x 150 pixels can be included as part of your listing (the webmaster can resize the image, if necessary).
CSA will build a monthly archive of the profiles. Posted profiles will remain on the site for 12 months. For example, if your business is featured in May 2005, it will remain on the site through April 2006.
Availability: This is a first come, first served opportunity. The only exception is avoid pairing direct competitors in the same month.
Procedure for getting profiled: Simply pay for your listing with PayPal. After completing your profile, you will be brought to a new screen where you can enter your copy and attach your photo/image/logo (1 image).
Webmaster will confirm receipt of your content and notify you as to when your profile is scheduled. Remember, there are only 24 slots throughout the year, so act now.